Tag Ringfort

KILLASHEE (KD024-070—-)

Earthwork Killashee This feature was discovered in June 2021 while reviewing LiDAR imagery provided online by the OPW. It was reported to the National Monuments Service and subsequently classed as an Earthwork. The location of the feature is significant as…

CLONAGH (KD003-047—-)

Enclosure CLONAGH This previously unrecorded potential enclosure was discovered in February 2020 using Google Earth imagery. It was reported to the National Monuments Service and was allocated monument number KD003-047—- and classed as an enclosure. The perfectly circular enclosure appears…


Enclosure FORENAGHTS GREAT This previously unrecorded enclosure was discovered in November 2018 using Google Earth imagery. It was reported to the National Monuments Service in March 2019. It was allocated monument number KD019-077—- and classed as an enclosure. Very faint…